Social responsibility and participation
in urban development
Founded on 27. 12. 1990 as WBG Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Görlitz mbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of the city of Görlitz, our company was entrusted to provide socially responsible housing for broad layers of the population, to support settlement policy, to assign the projects about implementation the infra-and commercial structure as well as commision projects about development of the city.Since then, we have been successively active in the housing market in Görlitz.
Demographic changes and changing requirements a few years ago forced us to adjust to the real estate market. With the demolition of more than 2,400 flats in the suburbs of Görlitz and the costly renovation of buildings in the historic part of the city, as the largest tenant in the city on the Nysa River, we’re having now a pool of more than 6,000 qualitatively balanced flats in all areas of Görlitz.
In the future, the housing offers and the accompanying services will be even more strongly tailored to the individual target groups. Their needs will be taken even more into account. Special attention is given to the growing demand for housing solutions for senior and young families.
Along with expanding the field of our activity, from the former administrator of municipal flats, we have developed into an strong group of companies but also we have gained the status of an active partner in the development of the urban area of Görlitz.
We combined this positive change with the new name. Therefore, from the first of July 2014, we have been trading under the name KommWohnen-Gruppe. The greater variety of our rentals and services should in a future appeal to an increasing number of tenants, even outside the city, singnalising them: KommWohnen in Görlitz -which is mean in English…
Come and live in Görlitz!
You can find our detailed Misson Statement here